使出渾身解數 的英文怎么说
- The guy fell all over himself flirting with me trying to win my favor, but it got nowhere.
- The teacher bent over backwards to help the students learn, but it wasn't working.
- A: Do you think the defendant's lawyer will cave since we presented the compelling evidence?
B: If I know him, he's pulling out all the stops.
A: Damn. That means more work for us.
[1] to fall all over oneself to do something[2] to try very hard to do something[3] to bend over backwards to do something[4] to pull out all the stops
使出渾身解數做某事 = to fall all over oneself to do something = to bend over backwards to do something
當然,你也能只用 to try very hard to do something 就夠了。
另外,to pull out all the stops = 為了達到某個目標而使出所有的方法,也就是竭盡所能全力以赴,例如例句的律師為了贏得勝利會全力以赴
當然,你也能只用 to try very hard to do something 就夠了。
另外,to pull out all the stops = 為了達到某個目標而使出所有的方法,也就是竭盡所能全力以赴,例如例句的律師為了贏得勝利會全力以赴
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