以下是類似 冷內熱 的翻譯
- A: Your sister is so cold. She just gave me a lecture about being moral because she thinks I have moral issues.
B: My sister is hard on the outside but soft on the inside. She just wants the best for you. Give it time and you'll see that she truly cares about you.
A: Thank you. - He may seem tough on the outside, but he's a softie on the inside.
- She may seem mean on the outside, but she's all mush on the inside.
- He's a tough teacher, but on the inside he's all mush. He once harbored a poor student until their parents came home from work.
以下翻譯解釋中有出現過 冷內熱
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
你永遠不知道下一秒會發生什麼事的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 捉姦在床 f我要發問填空題
反抗服貿的學生佔領立法院並舉行靜坐示威。 (請填空)
Student protesters against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement have occupied Taiwan's legislaure and are staging a sit-in.
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