初衷 的英文怎麼說
- A: We will be building a program to accurately predict earthquakes to help save lives.
B: Just like we set out to do.
A: That's right. - It used to be my dream to become a doctor when I grew up, but when I saw the dreadful experiments with carcasses a doctoral student needs to perform, I changed my mind.
- Daughter: I hate my job as an English teacher.
Mom: What was your motive for teaching English in the first place?
Daughter: I wanted to teach English because I love English.
Mom: That is right. Therefore don't forget your original goal as a teacher. Do not let your boss stop you from loving English. - When I was leaving the company, my partner thought I was betraying everything we set out to do - to change the world for the better. The truth is, I wanted to do exactly that.
[1] just like we set out to do[2] motive in the first place[3] original goal[4] lifelong goal[5] things we set out to do
初衷指最初的目的,白話翻譯就好,original goal 就行了,但「我改了初衷」怎麼說?I've changed my mind 就行了。
另一個翻譯是 we set out to do:
Just like we set out to do. = 就像實現我們的初衷一樣
things we set out to do = 我們的初衷 = 我們一開始想做的事情
我改了初衷 = I've changed my mind
lifelong goal = 人生目標
另一個翻譯是 we set out to do:
Just like we set out to do. = 就像實現我們的初衷一樣
things we set out to do = 我們的初衷 = 我們一開始想做的事情
我改了初衷 = I've changed my mind
lifelong goal = 人生目標
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
男人魄力的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 前後呼應 f我要發問填空題
在 2048 這個遊戲裡我獲得了 4096 的方塊,真是歷史性的一刻! (請填空)
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下一題 - 有名無實