利用 的英文怎么说
- How can you use me to achieve your goal?
- You should exploit this business opportunity to make a huge profit.
- We should make the most of natural resources.
- This short charity video, made by Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation, is nothing short of sweetness and love. Facts can be a bit tedious, but by tapping into the popular consciousness and mixing them with a healthy dose of reality, they come to life.
- Look at our team. We are full of energy and creativity! If only we could tap into all that to make this project successful.
- A: We need testers to test our new product but we can't find anyone.
B: I heard a lot of students are about to graduate at a nearby university who we can tap into.
[1] use[2] exploit[3] make the most of[4] to tap into something
[1]最普遍, 但有時候用起來不貼切. [2]通常指賺錢上的利用. [3]也很普遍, 指從某樣東西中學習或拿到最多東西.
tap into something 可說是「利用」的最佳翻譯,意思是利用某東西得到好的結果,例如利用能源、創意、學生、資金、人力資源等。
tap into something 可說是「利用」的最佳翻譯,意思是利用某東西得到好的結果,例如利用能源、創意、學生、資金、人力資源等。
- 你怎麼能利用我達到你的目的呢?
- 你應該利用這次的生意好好賺一筆.
- 我們應該好好利用自然資源.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
舉止莊重的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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