安排 的英文怎麼說
- If you line up an activity, you arrange for it to happen. If you line someone up for an activity, you arrange for them to be available for that activity. Do you get it?
- A: Do you have anything exciting lined up for the weekend?
B: Nothing much. Just chilling at home watching The House of Cards. - I've lined up a meeting with my potential investors for tomorrow morning.
- Who is making the arrangements for our annual sales meeting?
- My folks arranged for me to go to a parochial school.
[1] to line up something[2] to line somebody up for something[3] to arrange[4] to make arrangements
to line up something = 安排某活動
to line somebody up for something = 為某人安排某活動
arrange 是「安排」最常用的字。
to line somebody up for something = 為某人安排某活動
arrange 是「安排」最常用的字。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
別再演戲了的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 加油(2) f我要發問填空題
你的行為已經超越界線了。 (請填空)
You have oversteped your bounds.
下一題 - 當兵