實物 的英文怎麼說
- A: When you go to the convenience store to pick up your order, you need to show the receipt.
B: The actual receipt? Or can I show them an image of the receipt on my phone?
A: The actual receipt. - A: Light is made of electromagnetic waves from the wave perspective and photons from the particle perspective. It is definitely a physical object.
B: But you can't touch light. So I'd say light is not a tangible object.
[1] the actual something[2] a physical object[3] a tangible thing
the actual receipt = 實際上的收據 = 收據的實物
a physical object = a tangible thing = 你可以碰到的東西或物體
a physical object = a tangible thing = 你可以碰到的東西或物體
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
黑豆的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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