悶騷 的英文怎麼說
- A: Your friend is so cold. I said hi to her and she just gave me a cold look.
B: My friend is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. Get to know her and she'll warm up to you. - A: Your friend is so boring. All he talks about is website programming.
B: He is boring on the outside and fun on the inside. He plays three musical instruments and speaks five languages.
A: Really? I have no idea. Let me go talk to him some more.
[1] cold on the outside and warm on the inside[2] boring on the outside and fun on the inside[3] cold on the outside and loving on the inside[4] shy on the outside and crazy on the inside
「悶騷」沒有英文直接對應的字,只好白話翻譯,看你的「悶騷」的意思為何,cold on the outside and warm on the inside 是最貼切的,形容人外冷內熱,外表冷淡,內心卻很熱情友善
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
寵壞的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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