抽血 的英文怎麼說
- When you had your blood drawn, how many times did the needle go into your arm?
- During the blood draw, how many times did you get poked by the needle?
- The doctor is going to take a blood sample from you to check for intoxicants.
- The nurse is going to draw your blood to run a few tests.
- Why are you so afraid of a little blood draw?
[1] have one's blood drawn[2] blood draw[3] take a blood sample
抽血最常用的英文就是 draw blood,前兩個例句的意思是「在抽血時被扎了幾針?」
抽你的血 = draw your blood = draw blood from you
blood draw = 抽血的名詞
take a blood sample 也指抽血,通常之後會驗血看看裡面的成分。
抽你的血 = draw your blood = draw blood from you
blood draw = 抽血的名詞
take a blood sample 也指抽血,通常之後會驗血看看裡面的成分。
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
官腔的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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