符合 的英文怎麼說
- Vendor: Does our product meet your requirements?
Customer: Yes it does. How much is it? - Car salesperson: Does this car fit your needs?
Customer: No it doesn't. I am leaving. - Does the new engineer meet your expectations?
- Do the eyewitnesses' accounts of what happened at the murder scene match each other?
- A: Do you like the foods in Taiwan?
B: Yes I love them. Taiwan has the best foods in the world. - When you get into your forties, do you dress according to your age? Or do you always wear hip clothes?
[1] meet[2] fit[3] match[4] according to..
meet 可以用在很多「符合」的情況,如以下:
符合你的要求 = meet your requirements
符合你的需求 = fit your needs
符合你的預期 = meet your expectations
符合事實 = match the facts
食物符合你的口味嗎 = Do you like the food?
衣著符合你的年齡嗎 = Do you dress according to your age?
符合你的要求 = meet your requirements
符合你的需求 = fit your needs
符合你的預期 = meet your expectations
符合事實 = match the facts
食物符合你的口味嗎 = Do you like the food?
衣著符合你的年齡嗎 = Do you dress according to your age?
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
扣留的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 繼續做日常工作 f我要發問填空題
當她先生去巴黎出差時,她望穿秋水的等待他的歸來。 (請填空)
After her husband went on a business rip to Paris, she waited for his return anxiously.
下一題 - 色香味俱全