識破 的英文怎麼說
- I threatened to shoot the criminal, but if was a bluff. The criminal called my bluff and ran away.
- Suspect #1: Hurry up and get out of here. The detective is on to us.
Suspect #2: How did he know we did it? - I can see right through your lies.
- I saw through him. He's not a good person.
- This imposter was pretending to be you, but I saw right through him and called the police.
- I couldn't keep a straight face while I was lying to him, and he saw right through me.
- I saw through the salesman's superficial charm. He was obviously a liar.
[1] call somebody's bluff[2] somebody is onto one[3] see (right) through
I call your bluff = 我識破你的假的威脅,但有時候 bluff 是真的威脅,那我 call 你的 bluff 我就倒楣了,在此情況下,call 就不能當作識破的意思了。
He's on to us = 他看穿我們了
see right through 裡的 right 加在中間有強調的作用, 也可被其他字代替, 如 straight.
他看穿我的謊言了 = He saw right through me.
I saw through his superficial charm. He was obviously a liar. = 我看穿他的膚淺的魅力,他根本是個騙子
He's on to us = 他看穿我們了
see right through 裡的 right 加在中間有強調的作用, 也可被其他字代替, 如 straight.
他看穿我的謊言了 = He saw right through me.
I saw through his superficial charm. He was obviously a liar. = 我看穿他的膚淺的魅力,他根本是個騙子
- 我可以看穿你的謊言.
- 我可以看穿你的假面具.
- 我已經看穿他了, 他根本不是一個好人.
- 這個冒充者想冒充你, 可是我馬上看穿他報警.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
複習的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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