辛苦 的英文怎么说
- I am sorry things are going well for me but things are going rough for you.
- The chef contestant is struggling to get the dish out. He may lose the contest.
- Thanks for your hard work, everyone!
- Parents work hard to raise children.
- Life became stressful for the single mother. Fortunately she has many friends who help her all the time.
- Making money takes a lot of effort.
- You go to school and work part-time. You are spreading yourself too thin.
- These years I have been living a difficult life.
- Don't you find your job too demanding?
- The construction team are doing strenuous work on the building.
[1] struggle[2] rough
hard; difficult; stressful[3] takes a lot of effort[4] spread oneself too thin; do too many things at the same time[5] demanding; energy-consuming[6] strenuous; laborious
hard; difficult; stressful[3] takes a lot of effort[4] spread oneself too thin; do too many things at the same time[5] demanding; energy-consuming[6] strenuous; laborious
things are going rough for you = 你的生活很辛苦
struggle 表示做得很不順暢的意思,很多情況就等於「辛苦」
通常 hard 可用在很多地方來表示辛苦的意思. stressful 形容壓力太大, 很多情況很貼切. [4]代表一個人同一時間做太多事情了. demanding 指一個非常苛求的工作, 但不一定是勞力這一方面. strenuous 跟 laborious 形容很需要勞力,也就是辛苦的意思.
struggle 表示做得很不順暢的意思,很多情況就等於「辛苦」
通常 hard 可用在很多地方來表示辛苦的意思. stressful 形容壓力太大, 很多情況很貼切. [4]代表一個人同一時間做太多事情了. demanding 指一個非常苛求的工作, 但不一定是勞力這一方面. strenuous 跟 laborious 形容很需要勞力,也就是辛苦的意思.
- 大家辛苦了!
- 父母辛苦工作養兒育女.
- 單親媽媽的生活變得很辛苦.
- 賺錢很辛苦.
- 你要上學又要打工, 實在太辛苦了.
- 這幾年來我過的好辛苦啊.
- 你不認為你的工作太辛苦了嗎?
- 辛苦的工作
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
快篩的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 層出不窮 f我要發問填空題
這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain of problms. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
下一題 - 刻骨銘心