醫美手術 的英文怎么说
- The most common cosmetic procedures include Botox injection, injectable hyaluronic acid, and mesotherapy.
- Many victims of the fire need to have cosmetic surgery to treat their burns so that they can build up their confidence and get back to their normal lives.
- Since the goal of the cosmetic procedures is to enhance a person's appearance, cosmetic surgery is considered to be elective.
[1] cosmetic surgery
cosmetic procedure[2] aesthetic surgery
aesthetic procedure
cosmetic procedure[2] aesthetic surgery
aesthetic procedure
cosmetic surgery (較常用) = aesthetic surgery = 為了美觀而動的手術,身體任何一個部位都算,包括隆乳、豐唇、割雙眼皮、打肉毒桿菌、讓鼻子更挺、處理疤痕等等,也就是俗稱的醫美手術
一項醫美手術 = a cosmetic procedure
醫美診所 = cosmetic surgery clinic = aesthetic medicine clinic
hyaluronic acid = 玻尿酸
mesotherapy = 水光針
注意,plastic surgery 並非醫美,而是指修復身體缺陷的手術
一項醫美手術 = a cosmetic procedure
醫美診所 = cosmetic surgery clinic = aesthetic medicine clinic
hyaluronic acid = 玻尿酸
mesotherapy = 水光針
注意,plastic surgery 並非醫美,而是指修復身體缺陷的手術
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