電視字幕 的英文怎么说
- A: Does this movie come with English subtitles?
B: Yes it does. Let me turn it on. - A: When I played the movie, I could not see any subtitles.
B: What subtitle language are you looking for?
A: I'd like English captions for this movie. - A: I was watching George Lopez, and right before they played some more commercials, he said "closed captioning for George Lopez provided by.." and then they played a Ferrero Rocher commercial.
B: It means Ferrero Rocher paid for the closed captioning for the TV show. In exchange the TV program plays a Ferrero Rocher commercial.
[1] subtitles[2] closed captioning[3] closed captions
open captions
open captions
subtitles 最好用,是電視字幕的標準翻譯。closed captioning 也有一樣的意思,常常用在例句裡面的情況。
closed captions = 可以打開或關掉的字幕
open captions = 無法關掉的字幕,影片播放時一定會跑
closed captions = 可以打開或關掉的字幕
open captions = 無法關掉的字幕,影片播放時一定會跑
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
快沒了的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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In contrast to the rugged impression of dnim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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