駝背 的英文怎么说
- Leaving the rice bowl on the table and hunching over when you eat rice is not good manners in Japan.
- Michael, you are slouching again. Straighten up your back.
- You are hunched over when you walk. You should keep your back straight.
- When you walk, keep your chin up and chest out so that you won't be humpbacked/hunchbacked when you get old.
- That tall guy always hunches.
- My dog hunches his back when he's afraid.
- Sit up straight and don't slump in the chair!
- He slouched in the chair in deep thought.
- Most people slouch over the computer desk, supporting their heads with their left hands.
[1] slouch[2] hunch (over)
slump[3] slouched over[4] humpbacked
slump[3] slouched over[4] humpbacked
hunching over when you eat rice.. = 駝背的吃飯..
你正在駝背(站著/坐著) = You are hunched over. = You are slouched/slouching.
slouched, slouching, hunched over 都指一個人彎腰駝背的站著或坐著
slouch over the computer desk = 駝背的坐在電腦桌旁
humpbacked 跟 hunchbacked 都指一個人駝背,而背上凸起來一塊,通常是形容脊椎變形而駝背的人.
你正在駝背(站著/坐著) = You are hunched over. = You are slouched/slouching.
slouched, slouching, hunched over 都指一個人彎腰駝背的站著或坐著
slouch over the computer desk = 駝背的坐在電腦桌旁
humpbacked 跟 hunchbacked 都指一個人駝背,而背上凸起來一塊,通常是形容脊椎變形而駝背的人.
- 我走路駝背.
- 每當他害怕的時候他會駝一下背.
- 坐直, 不要彎腰駝背的!
- 他駝背的坐在椅子上.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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