今天教你們一個超酷的英文,大家身旁有「見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話」的朋友嗎? 這句話的英文怎麼說呢? 答案就是............fence riderAmy (in front of Beth): Wow! You look great in that dress!Beth: Thank you.Amy (in front of Cindy): Oh my God. Doesn't Beth look awful in that dress?Cindy: I overheard you compliment her on her dress. You are such a fence rider.fence rider 字面上指坐在柵欄上的人,想辦法討好兩邊的人。也可參考以下:http://www.chtoen.com/%E5%85%AB%E9%9D%A2%E7%8E%B2%E7%93%8F%E7%9A%84%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%80%8E%E9%BA%BC%E8%AA%AA有問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com
..by Michael Wen
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近親交配的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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學校保全失職,讓小偷闖入了學校。 (請填空)
The janitor neglected his duty on the day the robbers broe into the school.
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