We are looking for a couple of highly qualified Chinese-to-English translators and professional editors,who believe in God. We have a series of Chinese novels to be translated into English, which will be published in the United States in English. The novels are written from Christian perspectives with the teenagers as our target readers. Its style is similar to fantasy literature like The Lord of the Rings and Narnia, etc.Applicants should meet the following requirements:1.The applicant should have the expertise in literature translation from Chinese to English.2.The applicant should have English as his or her mother tongue and Chinese as the second language but proficient as well, hold BA or above degree in English spoken countries such as the USA,UK, Australia,etc.3.The applicant is willing to work and grow in a team, able to participate in the project for a few years. (The novel is series, we want a stable team).4.The applicant is willing to do a sample translation of a small passage with no pay.Those that meet the above requirements please send your resume and the sample translation to us via 2279991797@qq.com,and cc: sapphirekao@hotmail.comEleanor LiProject Manager____________________________________________Sample of TranslationAryel亞利伊勒閉起眼睛,笛聲時而高亢激昂,時而溫柔低吟,它輕盈如秋風吹過竹林,向地上安息的落葉注入生命氣息,使它漸漸蘇醒重新穿戴碧綠,接回原生枝子的生命中;它溫柔的聲韻像一縷散發淡淡花香的青絲,在耳際婆娑環繞、低吟、呼喚,最後飄落在細數往事的雙唇間,又如同安臥在基列山的山羊群,平靜安穩地與大自然融為一體;它低鳴如潺潺流水,又像手握棕樹枝的白衣聖者,在朝陽夕霞的物換星移中,忠心守候每一個已逝卻似乎將要到來的盼望;它激昂如發光閃爍的槍矛及吞滅猛獅的烈火,使敵對者的馬兵焚燒成煙,Aryel亞利伊勒的靈魂浸透在笛聲中,像一棵剛探出頭的小草,吸允朝露的更新及撫慰,飽受泥土的滋養與呵護,長青翠綠永不枯乾。
..by Sapphire Kao
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