..by 黃竑智
Charles Wang 2015-07-10 00:59:31
Michael,Can we say the following sentences?************************************************************0. Some things in life are too complicated to explain in any language.************************************************************1. I hope the boss doesn’t blow his stack when he finds out I didn’t finish this work on time.2. Nathan has a very short temper. He gets angry and flies off the handle for the slightest reason.3. The basketball player was hopping mad when the referee didn’t call the other team’s foul, but he knew that getting angry would only get him ejected from the game.4. When Tammy tried to blame the mistake on Sue, she got hot under the collar.5. I know you think Tom stole your idea, but you can’t lose your temper in this meeting. Don’t lose your cool.6. The children’s mother was tired of asking them to pick up their toys. Finally, she lost her temper and yelled at them.7. I had told Fred never to borrow my car without permission again, but he did it anyway. That makes my blood boil.8. I decided to get out of the house until my father calms down. He was really on the warpath when he saw that I had damaged his new car.9. Quit raising Cain! I know you’re angry about the change in our plans, but there is nothing we can do about it.10. My father sees red when I come home late.11. Jack didn’t get promoted to a new job and, although he hasn’t said anything about it, I know he’s doing a slow burn.12. When the government raised the price of flour and sugar to the point where people could no longer afford them, the population was up in arms. Much of the population stopped work and gathered in the streets to protest.************************************************************
Michael Wen 2015-07-13 11:23:20
千頭萬緒得看你用在哪裡,可以請你提供例句嗎?至於生氣,用 angry, mad, upset 都可以,Charles 說的 lose one's temper 或也lose one's cool 可以,非常多種說法。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
民宿的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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我妹是個恰北北,想對人兇就對人兇。 (請填空)
My sister is bad-tempered and would snp at anybody whenever she feels like it.
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