三分鐘熱度 的英文怎么说
- Rich is learning how to play the piano? He's known to be a quitter. I am quite sure he won't last three days before giving up.
- Son: Thank you for taking me out to lunch today.
Dad: I can do it every week, son.
Son: It's okay. You are not much with the follow-through. Once a year is enough for me. - A: Whenever you start something you never finish it. You are a quitter.
B: I am not a quitter, and I'll prove it to you. - Last week I took up an interest in painting, but it was a passing phase.
- His interest in painting was a passing phase.
- If you decide to exercise every day, you should make it a habit instead of a spur-of-the-moment thing.
- My son had a fleeting interest in playing the piano. He's only played for one week and he stopped.
[1] quitter[2] not much with the follow-through[3] somebody is a quitter[4] a passing phase[5] a fleeting interest[6] a spur-of-the-moment thing
quitter = 容易放棄的人,是半途而廢的人的最佳翻譯
not much with the follow-through = 無法貫徹始終,也就是三分鐘熱度的意思
quitter 就是很愛做事做到一半就放棄的人,是三分鐘熱度很貼切的說法,a passing phase 跟 a fleeting interest 都是標準的英文用語,表示三分鐘熱度。
spur of the moment 就是心血來潮的意思,沒有花太多時間思考就去做某件事,暗指莽撞,也有三分鐘熱度的一部分的意思。
not much with the follow-through = 無法貫徹始終,也就是三分鐘熱度的意思
quitter 就是很愛做事做到一半就放棄的人,是三分鐘熱度很貼切的說法,a passing phase 跟 a fleeting interest 都是標準的英文用語,表示三分鐘熱度。
spur of the moment 就是心血來潮的意思,沒有花太多時間思考就去做某件事,暗指莽撞,也有三分鐘熱度的一部分的意思。
- 上禮拜我突然對畫畫產生興趣, 不過只是三分鐘熱度.
- 如果你下定心來要天天運動最好不要是三分鐘熱度, 要讓它成為一種習慣.
- 我兒子對鋼琴的熱衷只是三分鐘熱度, 才彈一個禮拜就不彈了.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
討厭鬼的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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