任性 的英文怎么说
- Curry is the top player on our team, but he's considered a loose cannon by other team members and he needs to know that before things fall apart.
- A: I've never wanted to become a chef like my father has always wanted me to be.
B: So you are a wayward son, aren't you?
A: I guess you can say that. Me and my dad have a strained relationship. - After years of being coddled by his parents and grandparents, he developed into a willful, difficult young man.
- A: My boss is such a capricious person I never know how he'll react when something happens.
B: Get over it. Your boss is not nearly half as capricious as my wife. - The spoiled brat grew up into a willful, difficult teenager.
- He's a willful emperor who overlooks his subjects' welfare.
- As a child I ate large quantities of sweets, in willful disregard of my health. When I grew up I started to eat healthily.
[1] a loose cannon[2] wayward[3] willful
wilful[4] capricious[5] unpredictable[6] erratic
wilful[4] capricious[5] unpredictable[6] erratic
a loose cannon = 想做什麼就做什麼的人,尤指影響到他人的安危或帶給他人麻煩
wayward = 你想做什麼就做什麼,任性的,難以管束的
willful 可說是「任性」的最佳英文,也就是甚麼事情都要照自己的意思走,否則就生氣,也作 wilful,例如:
a willful child = 一個任性的小孩
willful disregard of health = 任性地無視健康
capricious = 動不動就有出乎人意料的行為或舉動,讓人捉摸不定,像是一會兒開心,一會兒悲傷,有負面的意思
unpredictable = 令人出乎意料的
wayward = 你想做什麼就做什麼,任性的,難以管束的
willful 可說是「任性」的最佳英文,也就是甚麼事情都要照自己的意思走,否則就生氣,也作 wilful,例如:
a willful child = 一個任性的小孩
willful disregard of health = 任性地無視健康
capricious = 動不動就有出乎人意料的行為或舉動,讓人捉摸不定,像是一會兒開心,一會兒悲傷,有負面的意思
unpredictable = 令人出乎意料的
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
過戶的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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他的家庭的和諧的樣子只是有名無實罷了。 (請填空)
His family seems happy and united, but it's all a charde.
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