懶人包 的英文怎么说
- Click here to see a digest/summary of the Hong Kong national security law.
- Here is the lazy person's guide to cooking dinner: Simply get married and ask your spouse to cook.
- Here are some Covid-19 facts for dummies. First of all, although for most people COVID-19 causes only mild symptoms, it can make some people very sick. Secondly...
- Our article editor gives you the lowdown on the big news that happen all over the world.
[1] the lazy person's guide to doing something[2] for the lazy[3] for dummies[4] the lowdown[5] digest
懶人包(把事實整理好並用白話敘述) = for dummies
這裡的 dummy 並非指笨蛋,而指門外漢或外行人,目標是把資訊弄成外行人都能看的懂的文字
新冠肺炎懶人包 = 整理好的白話的關於新冠肺炎的事實 = Covid-19 for dummies = Covid-19 facts for dummies
為懶人所設計的 = for the lazy
the lazy = 懶惰的人
晚餐懶人包 = dinner ideas for the lazy = lazy dinner ideas
懶人包(把教學整理好並用白話敘述) = the lazy person's guide
the lazy person's guide to success = 如何成功懶人包
the lazy person's guide to investing = 如何投資懶人包
the lowdown = 最重要的資訊
digest = summary = 摘要
digest/summary of the Hong Kong national security law = 香港國安法懶人包 = 香港國安法的摘要
這裡的 dummy 並非指笨蛋,而指門外漢或外行人,目標是把資訊弄成外行人都能看的懂的文字
新冠肺炎懶人包 = 整理好的白話的關於新冠肺炎的事實 = Covid-19 for dummies = Covid-19 facts for dummies
為懶人所設計的 = for the lazy
the lazy = 懶惰的人
晚餐懶人包 = dinner ideas for the lazy = lazy dinner ideas
懶人包(把教學整理好並用白話敘述) = the lazy person's guide
the lazy person's guide to success = 如何成功懶人包
the lazy person's guide to investing = 如何投資懶人包
the lowdown = 最重要的資訊
digest = summary = 摘要
digest/summary of the Hong Kong national security law = 香港國安法懶人包 = 香港國安法的摘要
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
角度的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 有趣 f我要發問填空題
他很懶,從未工作,很不爭氣。 (請填空)
He is lazy and has never worked. He is a failur.
下一題 - 模糊