泡沫紅茶店 的英文怎么说
A: What do we call a shop that sells drinks?
B: You probably call it by whatever their most advertised product is, like juice shop or smoothie shop.
A: So if a shop sells tea, I would call it a tea shop?
B: Yes. "Tea shop" makes more sense because tea is the main product. Even though Starbucks sells many things, it is a coffee shop.
B: You probably call it by whatever their most advertised product is, like juice shop or smoothie shop.
A: So if a shop sells tea, I would call it a tea shop?
B: Yes. "Tea shop" makes more sense because tea is the main product. Even though Starbucks sells many things, it is a coffee shop.
a tea shop
泡沫紅茶店 = a tea shop
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