積極 的英文怎么说
- Great opportunities are taken advantage of by only those who show initiative.
- My ex-husband is showing more initiative than before in bonding with our kids. I am thinking of getting back together with him.
- You have to show more initiative at work in order to succeed in this small company.
- When your customer gives you feedback you gotta respond with passion.
- You don't seem very enthusiastic about your new job. Why?
- The new employee's proposals were met with enthusiastic responses from the management.
- A month ago I began to actively look for a job in the Bay Area.
- He'd been aggressively pursuing the girl of his dreams, but it failed.
- The trailing team played more aggressively in the fourth quarter and ended up winning the game.
- The company, on the verge of bankruptcy, is aggressively looking for new business opportunities.
- Being highly driven and responsible, the assistant managed to climb to a managerial position in a short period of time.
- Driven people are generally more successful because they set high goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. They always try to exceed expectations.
- We are a startup, and we only recruit go-getters who are self-driven and will be actively involved in the company's development and success. We don't want lazy people.
[1] (verb) to show initiative
to act/respond with passion[2] (adjective) enthusiastic
self-motivated[3] (noun) go-getter
to act/respond with passion[2] (adjective) enthusiastic
self-motivated[3] (noun) go-getter
show initiative = 很積極主動的做事情,例如:
show initiative at work = 工作又積極又主動
做事積極 = act with passion = respond with passion
enthusiastic = 熱衷的、熱情的,常常有積極的意思,例如:
enthusiastic about work = 對工作很積極,充滿熱情
an enthusiastic response = 熱情的回應
active 表示積極參與(某活動)或積極的做某事,例如:
politically active = 在政治上很積極
an active member = (某團體)很積極的成員
actively look for a job = 積極的找工作
aggressive = 積極進取的、有衝勁的、雄心勃勃的、有企圖心的,是積極程度最高的英文字,有那種不達到目標就不罷休的感覺,例如:
aggressively pursue her = 很積極的追求她
play aggressively = 很積極的比賽
aggressive marketing strategies = 積極、有企圖心的行銷策略
aggressive treatment = 很積極、強烈的治療方式
driven = self-driven = self-motivated = 自動積極的、主動進取的、鍥而不捨的,例如:
a driven person = 一個很積極進取的人,會為自己訂目標並努力達到,會自動自發做事情
積極的人/志在必得的人 = go-getter
show initiative at work = 工作又積極又主動
做事積極 = act with passion = respond with passion
enthusiastic = 熱衷的、熱情的,常常有積極的意思,例如:
enthusiastic about work = 對工作很積極,充滿熱情
an enthusiastic response = 熱情的回應
active 表示積極參與(某活動)或積極的做某事,例如:
politically active = 在政治上很積極
an active member = (某團體)很積極的成員
actively look for a job = 積極的找工作
aggressive = 積極進取的、有衝勁的、雄心勃勃的、有企圖心的,是積極程度最高的英文字,有那種不達到目標就不罷休的感覺,例如:
aggressively pursue her = 很積極的追求她
play aggressively = 很積極的比賽
aggressive marketing strategies = 積極、有企圖心的行銷策略
aggressive treatment = 很積極、強烈的治療方式
driven = self-driven = self-motivated = 自動積極的、主動進取的、鍥而不捨的,例如:
a driven person = 一個很積極進取的人,會為自己訂目標並努力達到,會自動自發做事情
積極的人/志在必得的人 = go-getter
- 一個月前我開始在彎區積極的找工作.
- 你應該多積極才會在這小公司成功.
- 他一直很積極的追求一個女生
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
嚇跑的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 大寶典 f我要發問填空題
他從未達到他父親對他的期望。 (請填空)
He has never lived up t his father's expectations of him.
下一題 - 出差