說話不算話 的英文怎麼說
- If you renege on our deal, I'll fight you in the courts.
- Smith reneged. We had a deal.
- Dad: If you get a perfect score on the exam, I'll buy you a car.
Son: Don't you break your promise. - The government says one thing and does another and is losing their credibility.
- The minister failed to live up to what he preaches and he raped a girl.
- A: Why did you say you liked us when you clearly don't?
B: That's called being two-faced.
[1] to renege[2] break one's promise
break one's word
go back on one's word[3] says one thing and does another[4] not practice what one preaches[5] be two-faced
break one's word
go back on one's word[3] says one thing and does another[4] not practice what one preaches[5] be two-faced
He reneged on our deal = 我們說好了也達成協議了,但他說話不算話
[2]單純的指說話不算話. [3]指說一套做一套, 例如說會做這個做那個, 到頭來卻什麼也沒做. [4]指一個人不做自己常常鼓吹或宣揚的事情, 例如父親教導兒子不可半途而廢, 自己卻沒有做到.
be two-faced = 說一套做一套 = 表裡不一
[2]單純的指說話不算話. [3]指說一套做一套, 例如說會做這個做那個, 到頭來卻什麼也沒做. [4]指一個人不做自己常常鼓吹或宣揚的事情, 例如父親教導兒子不可半途而廢, 自己卻沒有做到.
be two-faced = 說一套做一套 = 表裡不一
- 父親: 如果你考試拿滿分, 我就買台車送你.
兒子: 你不要說話不算話喔. - 政府說一套做一套, 說的話沒人信.
- 這個牧師不以身作則, 強姦女孩子.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
淡化的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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