講究 的英文怎么说
- He has excellent taste in clothes.
- This ring has a dainty design.
- He is very particular about how to pour coffee. The angle and the speed of pouring coffee must be perfect.
- Sara is picky about how to have her coffee. She must have 100cc of espresso with 200cc of milk and 5g of sugar.
- Magazine companies are picky about the details of a magazine's layout.
- particular about how to wear makeups
- a serious cook
- A: Why do more and more people want to learn wine tasting?
B: I think it's because being knowledgeable and discerning about wine has become a sign of sophistication. - He's a fastidious eater.
- He is very fastidious about how things should be organized in his room.
- Hippos are a special animal. When it comes to defecating, they are very particular. They only do their business at specific places.
[1] good taste in something[2] dainty[3] picky or particular or precise about something[4] serious[5] discerning about something[6] fastidious
[1]指對某樣東西很有品味(衣服, 酒等等), good 可被其他美好的字取代. [2]通常形容美食家對食物的講究, 也可以形容某樣物品的設計講究. [3]指對某樣東西挑剔.
particular about 跟 picky about 都能指一個人對某事情很講究,也就是堅持一定要用某種作法,例如例句說的 Sara 對喝咖啡很講究,一定要多少量的濃縮咖啡加多少量的牛奶等等。
discerning = 形容一個人對某物很講究,是真的能區分好的跟不好的,例如 discerning about wine 表示此人喝酒可知道是好酒還壞酒
fastidious 也是講究的意思,例如一個很講究的美食家,或對房間如何裝飾很講究,也有挑剔的感覺
particular 是「講究」的很貼切的英文,如例句所說,犀牛大便時很講究,只能在某些地方上廁所。
particular about 跟 picky about 都能指一個人對某事情很講究,也就是堅持一定要用某種作法,例如例句說的 Sara 對喝咖啡很講究,一定要多少量的濃縮咖啡加多少量的牛奶等等。
discerning = 形容一個人對某物很講究,是真的能區分好的跟不好的,例如 discerning about wine 表示此人喝酒可知道是好酒還壞酒
fastidious 也是講究的意思,例如一個很講究的美食家,或對房間如何裝飾很講究,也有挑剔的感覺
particular 是「講究」的很貼切的英文,如例句所說,犀牛大便時很講究,只能在某些地方上廁所。
- 他對衣服相當講究.
- 這個戒指設計相當講究.
- 雜誌公司對雜誌的排版非常的講究.
- 講究化妝技巧
- 一個講究的廚師
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
國定假日的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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He is lazy and has never worked. He is a falure.
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