仗著 的英文怎么说
- She takes of advantage of the fact that she is the boss' niece to boss people around in the office.
- He abuses his power in the company because his dad owns the company.
- The spy is not afraid of the nation he's spying on because he is protected by a stronger nation.
- Being a relative of the boss, she acts arrogantly and disrespects everybody in the office.
- He depends on his status as the CEO's fiance to boss people around at the office.
- Holding a high position in the government, the government official abuses his power and mistreats the people in the country.
[1] take advantage of[2] depend on[3] abuse[4] because...[5] protected by...[6] under the protection of something
take advantage of something 是仗著某事的最貼切的翻譯,而 abuse 的意思是濫用,很多時候很貼近仗著某事而濫用職權的意思,有時候白話翻出即可,如例句。
仗著某人在政府是高官的勢力來欺負人民就可說 Holding a high position in the government, the government official abuses his power and mistreats the people in the country.
仗著某人在政府是高官的勢力來欺負人民就可說 Holding a high position in the government, the government official abuses his power and mistreats the people in the country.
- 他仗著父親是老闆所以在公司就濫用權力.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
斜坡入口的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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她因為內向怕生,所以不擅交朋友,可是有時候家裡有客人來時,她又會人來瘋,又蹦又跳,很難要她安靜。 (請填空)
She is shy, but when there is a guest at home, she becomes excited and hyperctive and out of control.
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