低潮 的英文怎麼說
- A: I just got laid off. I have been working for the company for over twenty years now. I am in a slump now.
B: I think a slump is good for you. You can use the time to rest and recharge your battery. Give yourself a break and cut yourself some slack.
A: Thanks for the advice. Will do. - The company was in a slump due to the low demand for their products. Now they are making a strong comeback by building a new, much more desirable product line.
- I am at a low point in my life because I lost my job and my husband died.
[1] slump[2] in a slump[3] at a low point in one's life
I think a slump is good for you. = 我認為此低潮對你很好
I am at a low point in my life. = 我現在面臨人生低潮期
I am at a low point in my life. = 我現在面臨人生低潮期
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
手段的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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籃球隊A贏了籃球隊B,真是大爆冷門。(因為隊伍A很弱) (請填空)
Team A's defeat over Team B is considered the biggest underog victory in basketball history.
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