冷淡 的英文怎么说
- Our indifferent attitude to the abused women and children may cost them their lives.
- A: Hello, how are you?
B: (says nothing)
A: Wow, that's the biggest brush-off I've ever seen. I am your new neighbor and I just want to say hi.
B: Oh hi! Sorry I was spaced out. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too. - He's a little distant in the morning but I thought it was about his work. It turns out his dad died.
- When you first go out with a girl, treat her with a bit of cold detachment because most girls are repulsed by clinginess.
- She's not unfriendly, it just takes her a while to warm up to new people.
[1] indifferent[2] brush-off[3] cold[4] distant[5] cold detachment[6] aloof[7] unfriendly
indifferent 是最貼切的翻譯之一,常用在指人對某事的態度冷漠,例如:
indifferent to politics = 對政治冷漠或毫無興趣
另外,一個人對別人的態度冷淡(例如不理人、不對人笑等等)可以用 aloof, cold, unfriendly 等。
brush-off 指漠視,貼切又常用。
indifferent to politics = 對政治冷漠或毫無興趣
另外,一個人對別人的態度冷淡(例如不理人、不對人笑等等)可以用 aloof, cold, unfriendly 等。
brush-off 指漠視,貼切又常用。
他今早有些冷漠, 我原以為是工作的關係, 後來才知道他父親過世了.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
霸氣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 淡而無味 f我要發問填空題
他有公德心,從不亂丟垃圾。 (請填空)
He is socally responsible - he never litters in public places.
下一題 - 點燃引火物