前衛 的英文怎么说
- A: I gave my boyfriend a guilt-free pass over the weekend. He can sleep with whomever he wants this weekend.
B: Very progressive thinking, but have you ever thought you should get married before you sleep with each other? If you sleep with each other before you get married, won't you hurt each other when you break up?
A: You are right. I should give it some serious thought. - A: My dad loves to wear distressed jeans.
B: Really? Your dad is seventy years old! Compared to me he's a lot more fashion forward.
[1] progressive[2] something forward
progressive 指前衛,可形容任何前衛的東西。甚麼領域加上 forward 就有那領域前衛的意思,例如 fashion forward 就表示在服飾流行前衛的意思
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
芋圓的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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