台灣原住民 的英文怎麼說
- The Taiwanese aborigines are the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, who are estimated to constitute two percent of the island's population, numbering about half a million people.
- Around the fire pit, the aborigines of the tribe chanted incantations.
[1] Taiwanese aborigines[2] the original inhabitants[3] the indigenous peoples of Taiwan[4] the tribal elders
原住民 = aborigines
某部落的原住民 = the aborigines of the tribe
部落的年長者或長老 = the tribal elders
原住民也可以說 native Taiwanese,但此英文的意思較模糊,所以還是用 Taiwanese aborigines 來表示原住民最好
以下是此十六個部族 (打星號的是最早被承認的九族,也就是九族文化村裡的九族):
Amis / Ami / Pangcah = 阿美族*
Atayal = 泰雅*
Bunun = 布農*
Kavalan = 噶瑪蘭族
Paiwan = 排灣*
Puyuma = 卑南族*
Rukai = 魯凱族*
Saisiyat / Saisiat = 賽夏*
Sakizaya = 撒奇萊雅族
Seediq = 賽德克族
Tao / Yami = 達悟族 / 雅美*
Thao = 邵族
Tsou = 鄒族*
Truku = 太魯閣族
Hla'alua = 拉阿魯哇
Kanakanavu = 卡那卡那富
某部落的原住民 = the aborigines of the tribe
部落的年長者或長老 = the tribal elders
原住民也可以說 native Taiwanese,但此英文的意思較模糊,所以還是用 Taiwanese aborigines 來表示原住民最好
以下是此十六個部族 (打星號的是最早被承認的九族,也就是九族文化村裡的九族):
Amis / Ami / Pangcah = 阿美族*
Atayal = 泰雅*
Bunun = 布農*
Kavalan = 噶瑪蘭族
Paiwan = 排灣*
Puyuma = 卑南族*
Rukai = 魯凱族*
Saisiyat / Saisiat = 賽夏*
Sakizaya = 撒奇萊雅族
Seediq = 賽德克族
Tao / Yami = 達悟族 / 雅美*
Thao = 邵族
Tsou = 鄒族*
Truku = 太魯閣族
Hla'alua = 拉阿魯哇
Kanakanavu = 卡那卡那富
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
我們等著瞧的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising ea levels.
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