後製 的英文怎麼說
- A: Do you like this video of me playing games with the VR headset?
B: Yes, but I don't care for the special effects.
A: Oh yeah, I added them in Adobe After Effects.
B: Remove them and show it to me again. - A: Look at this photo of us on the trip. Too bad you didn't join us.
B: I'd like to be in the photo. Can you add me to the photo in post?
A: I sure can. - A: I don't see my in this photo.
B: Don't worry. It'll be done in post. - A: I don't like the photo.
B: You can make adjustments to the photo in post after you've taken it. - The photo studio touched up my photo to remove the wrinkles on my face.
- The unscrupulous artist took someone's photo and doctored it and claimed that it's his own creation.
- It is true that post-processing for photography is often automatically done by the smartphone once a photo has been taken.
- Photographers often post-process their shots to make them look better.
[1] (noun) special effect[2] (adverb) in post; in post-processing[3] touch up[4] doctor[5] post-process
special effect = 指後製的效果,例如真人影片中的後來用軟體疊加的小動畫,此英文很廣泛,可指任何後製的效果,例如把背景換掉等等的進階的電影製片的後製效果
in post 指後製,是 in post-processing 的縮寫,如把一個人加在一個照片或影片裡,或把照片或影片修的更好,都算後製。touch up 表示修飾圖裡的瑕疵,doctor 指蓄意竄改圖或資料已達到不好的目的
post-processing (名詞) = 拍照後對照片的後製跟修圖,例如修的更美、光線更柔和,通常智慧型手機都有此功能。post-process 是動詞。
in post 指後製,是 in post-processing 的縮寫,如把一個人加在一個照片或影片裡,或把照片或影片修的更好,都算後製。touch up 表示修飾圖裡的瑕疵,doctor 指蓄意竄改圖或資料已達到不好的目的
post-processing (名詞) = 拍照後對照片的後製跟修圖,例如修的更美、光線更柔和,通常智慧型手機都有此功能。post-process 是動詞。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
恢復體力的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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