撒嬌 的英文怎么说
- My cat loves to snuggle up to me on the couch.
- My sister was buttering up my dad hoping he would buy her a purse.
- My baby makes cute sounds to me all the time.
- "Why didn't you call me yesterday?" she whined in a girly voice.
- She whined to her boyfriend in a childish voice, resting her head on his shoulder and pouting.
- Do you like it when she talks in a cute voice?
- The boyfriend and girlfriend flirt with each other all the time.
- The baby bear is cuddling with his mother.
- I fed my dog but he kept begging me for more food.
- My dog acts cute and wants my attention all the time.
- My cat is being affectionate with my baby girl by rolling on his back.
- My daughter is being affectionate in hopes of getting an allowance.
- My sister was being affectionate with my dad hoping my dad would buy her a purse.
- A: Ouch. Your dog bit me.
B: I am sorry. He was just being playful and friendly. He does not know he bit too hard. - When I asked who broke the vase the kids put on an innocent face.
- When my daughter suddenly becomes nice to me I know she wants me to buy her something.
- My girlfriend gives me Bambi eyes whenever she wants me to buy her something.
[1] snuggle[2] being playful[3] pretend to be cute[4] butter somebody up[5] say something in a cute voice[6] make cute sounds[7] whine in a childish voice
whine in a girly voice[8] flirt[9] cuddle[10] beg[11] act cute[12] affectionate[13] be nice[14] speak in a cute voice[15] give somebody Bambi eyes
give somebody the puppy eyes
whine in a girly voice[8] flirt[9] cuddle[10] beg[11] act cute[12] affectionate[13] be nice[14] speak in a cute voice[15] give somebody Bambi eyes
give somebody the puppy eyes
snuggle = 指依偎,常用在動物,可說是用於動物撒嬌最貼切的英文,例如 cat snuggles up to me = 貓依偎在我身邊
being playful = 嬉鬧、鬧著玩的
pretend to be cute = 裝可愛
butter somebody up = 巴結某人而撒嬌,是撒嬌最貼切的英文之一
affectionate with somebody = 對某人撒嬌,通常是為了得到某東西,是撒嬌最貼切的英文之一
say something in a cute voice 指說話聲音可愛的撒嬌,make cute sounds 指發出ㄣㄣㄚㄚ的聲音撒嬌,whine in a girly voice 指用女生可愛的聲音撒嬌的抱怨,cuddle 指一個人依偎著另一個人撒嬌,也可用在動物上,affectionate 指對一個人或動物充滿了愛意。
Beg 是求的意思, 如狗前腿趴在你身上跟你乞求食物就可用 beg. Act cute 形容表現的很可愛的樣子以博得歡心,be nice 是對某人很好的意思。
注意: baby talk 較沒有撒嬌的意思,例如 My mom baby talks me even though I am a teenager now. 就是雖然我已經是青少年了,我母親還是用逗嬰兒的聲音跟我說話。sweet-talk 也沒有撒嬌的意思。
Bambi eyes = puppy eyes = 天真的懇求的眼神,像 Shrek 裡頭的那隻貓的眼神,女生或小孩討東西撒嬌時會這麼做
flirt = 男女的調情,也有撒嬌的意思,但不適用於父母或小孩,只適用於情人或夫妻
snuggle = 指依偎,常用在動物,可說是用於動物撒嬌最貼切的英文,例如 cat snuggles up to me = 貓依偎在我身邊
being playful = 嬉鬧、鬧著玩的
pretend to be cute = 裝可愛
butter somebody up = 巴結某人而撒嬌,是撒嬌最貼切的英文之一
affectionate with somebody = 對某人撒嬌,通常是為了得到某東西,是撒嬌最貼切的英文之一
say something in a cute voice 指說話聲音可愛的撒嬌,make cute sounds 指發出ㄣㄣㄚㄚ的聲音撒嬌,whine in a girly voice 指用女生可愛的聲音撒嬌的抱怨,cuddle 指一個人依偎著另一個人撒嬌,也可用在動物上,affectionate 指對一個人或動物充滿了愛意。
Beg 是求的意思, 如狗前腿趴在你身上跟你乞求食物就可用 beg. Act cute 形容表現的很可愛的樣子以博得歡心,be nice 是對某人很好的意思。
注意: baby talk 較沒有撒嬌的意思,例如 My mom baby talks me even though I am a teenager now. 就是雖然我已經是青少年了,我母親還是用逗嬰兒的聲音跟我說話。sweet-talk 也沒有撒嬌的意思。
Bambi eyes = puppy eyes = 天真的懇求的眼神,像 Shrek 裡頭的那隻貓的眼神,女生或小孩討東西撒嬌時會這麼做
flirt = 男女的調情,也有撒嬌的意思,但不適用於父母或小孩,只適用於情人或夫妻
- 我女友常常跟我撒嬌得到她要的東西.
- 我的寶寶常向我撒嬌.
- "你為什麼昨天沒打給我?" 她撒嬌地抱怨著.
- 你喜歡看她說話撒嬌的樣子嗎?
- 每當我女友想要什麼東西時, 她都會撒嬌地求我.
- 她愛發出可愛的聲音取悅男友.
- 他們喜歡對方, 常常對彼此調情撒嬌.
- 小嬰兒依偎著他的母親.
- 我餵了狗後他還一直跟我撒嬌要我繼續餵..
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
加班狗的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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