收視率 的英文怎麼說
- Viewership is at its peak in the evening hours because most people are home then.
- TV news viewership has declined steadily over the past decade due to the adoption of online news.
- The decline of NFL TV ratings was a major story on the news recently.
- NFL viewership took a hit lately, but it's not due to political reasons.
- Your ratings went through the roof. Congratulations!
[1] viewership[2] TV ratings[3] Nielsen ratings
viewership 跟 TV ratings 可說是收視率最普遍的英文,而 Nielsen ratings 是美國最多電視台使用的電視台收視率的決定方法。
有些人會在 viewership 後面加 ratings,但其實不用,因為 viewership 本身就足夠表明收視率這個意思了。
再來,當上下文很清楚表明你們在說收視率時,直接用 ratings 這個字就夠了,例如:
Your ratings went through the roof. Congratulations!
有些人會在 viewership 後面加 ratings,但其實不用,因為 viewership 本身就足夠表明收視率這個意思了。
再來,當上下文很清楚表明你們在說收視率時,直接用 ratings 這個字就夠了,例如:
Your ratings went through the roof. Congratulations!
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
輸不起的人的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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