服兵役 的英文怎麼說
- In Taiwan a man has to do the military service before going to university.
- Men under 36 in Taiwan must fulfill the mandatory military service.
- My husband is currently serving in the Taiwanese Army which is 13 months.
- A: I'll do the mandatory military service next June.
B: I'll do mine next August. - A: Why weren't you drafted into the army? You seem pretty strong.
B: I elected out of the army for religious reasons. - In November, I will be drafted into the army to serve for two years. I've decided to enlist in the Army Air Force.
- In Taiwan, a male adult may request the alternative military service if he cannot do the mandatory military service for a valid reason.
- Some nations do not require military service from its citizens, others do.
- Conscription is legislated in South Korea, and no adult males can be exempt from service except under special circumstances.
- All males must do mandatory military service at the age of eighteen.
- Mandatory military training should be a part of your life, not a turning point in your life.
[1] do the mandatory military service[2] fulfill the compulsory military service[3] serve in the army[4] to join the army[5] be drafted into the army[6] be drafted into the military service[7] do the mandatory military service[8] conscription
義務兵役,也就是「當兵」,台灣的男生必須做的事情 = mandatory military service = compulsory military service
動詞可以用 do 或 fulfill。
serve in the army 是「當兵」最簡單的說法之一,例如:
He is serving in the Taiwanese Army = 他正在台灣的陸軍當兵
由於這裡有講到國家,所以 army 的第一個字母要大寫,表示是那個國家的陸軍,如果是海軍或空軍,請參考以下:
He is serving in the Taiwanese Navy = 他正在台灣的海軍當兵
He is serving in the Taiwanese Air Force = 他正在台灣的空軍當兵
我明年六月當兵 = I'll be serving in the army next June. = I'll do the mandatory military service next June.
draft 是另一個常用的字,例如:
Why weren't you drafted? = 你怎麼沒當兵?
I will be drafted this year. = 今年我會服兵役
而 conscript 跟 draft 是徵兵制的意思,例如:
He didn't join the army voluntarily. He was drafted as a war was ongoing.
voluntary military service = 志願役,也就是自願當兵的制度
be enlisted in the army = 募兵制
go to the army = join the army = 指加入軍隊,意思較不明確,可能是當兵,也有可能是職業軍人的意思。
動詞可以用 do 或 fulfill。
serve in the army 是「當兵」最簡單的說法之一,例如:
He is serving in the Taiwanese Army = 他正在台灣的陸軍當兵
由於這裡有講到國家,所以 army 的第一個字母要大寫,表示是那個國家的陸軍,如果是海軍或空軍,請參考以下:
He is serving in the Taiwanese Navy = 他正在台灣的海軍當兵
He is serving in the Taiwanese Air Force = 他正在台灣的空軍當兵
我明年六月當兵 = I'll be serving in the army next June. = I'll do the mandatory military service next June.
draft 是另一個常用的字,例如:
Why weren't you drafted? = 你怎麼沒當兵?
I will be drafted this year. = 今年我會服兵役
而 conscript 跟 draft 是徵兵制的意思,例如:
He didn't join the army voluntarily. He was drafted as a war was ongoing.
voluntary military service = 志願役,也就是自願當兵的制度
be enlisted in the army = 募兵制
go to the army = join the army = 指加入軍隊,意思較不明確,可能是當兵,也有可能是職業軍人的意思。
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
口號的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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