植物人 的英文怎么说
- If you got severely injured and became a vegetable would you want to keep living?
- A: What happened to the victim of the car accident?
B: He is brain-dead. There is not much we can do. - Recently a doctor has found that patients in vegetative state are able to recognize their loved ones' faces.
- Persistent Vegetative State is listed as a rare disease by the Office of Rare Diseases, meaning that Persistent Vegetative State affects less than 200,000 people in the U.S.
- The accident's victim is a vegetable now. Although he could be kept alive artificially, it might be kinder to let nature take its course.
- Ever since the car accident the victim has been in a vegetative state.
- A: What happened to the victim of the crash?
B: He wound up in a vegetative state.
[1] vegetable[2] brain-dead[3] in vegetative state[4] Persistent Vegetative State[5] be kept alive artificially
vegetable 是植物人的非正式說法,但很常用,而 brain-dead 指腦死的人,也就是植物人的意思,而 in vegetative state 指此人的意識在植物人的狀態。
Persistent Vegetative State 是植物人的正統醫學說法。
be kept alive artificially = 用人工方法維持某人的生命
Persistent Vegetative State 是植物人的正統醫學說法。
be kept alive artificially = 用人工方法維持某人的生命
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
不乖的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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