琴棋書畫 的英文怎麼說
A: My boyfriend is so cool. He plays a musical instrument, plays chess, reads, and is good at painting.
B: What instrument does he play?
A: He plays the flute recorder.
B: What instrument does he play?
A: He plays the flute recorder.
[1] one plays a musical instrument, plays chess, reads, and paints[2] guqin, chess, book, painting
guqin, chess, book, drawing
guqin, chess, book, drawing
guqin = 古琴
琴棋書畫直譯是 guqin, chess, book, painting,但如果你要說一個人精通樂器、會下棋、愛唸書、會畫畫,可以白話翻譯,如:
one plays a musical instrument, plays chess, reads, and paints
琴棋書畫直譯是 guqin, chess, book, painting,但如果你要說一個人精通樂器、會下棋、愛唸書、會畫畫,可以白話翻譯,如:
one plays a musical instrument, plays chess, reads, and paints
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
新聞主播的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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