給交通工具加油 的英文怎麼說
- This morning when I was pumping gas at a gas station, the price was $1.53 a gallon.
- My motorcycle is low on fuel. I have to go to a gas station.
- A pit stop is a stop at a pit for refueling or service during an automobile race.
- I refuel my car once every month.
- The road has been closed down due to the ongoing investigation for the shooting of an innocent victim while filling his tank at the gas station.
- The man was shot while filling up his gas tank.
- A motorcyclist was engulfed in flames when his phone exploded while having his gas tank filled.
[1] pump gas[2] refuel[3] go to the gas station[4] to fill (up) one's (gas) tank[5] to have one's (gas) tank filled
pump gas = refuel = 給需要汽油的車子或機車加油,也可用在船或飛機
很多時候你可以說 go to the gas station 來暗示你要去加油站加油,不需要加油添醋的說 go to the gas station to pump gas
to fill one's tank = to have one's tank filled = 給他的車子或機車加油
很多時候你可以說 go to the gas station 來暗示你要去加油站加油,不需要加油添醋的說 go to the gas station to pump gas
to fill one's tank = to have one's tank filled = 給他的車子或機車加油
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
安全繩索的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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