落後 的英文怎麼說
- We were down 20 points at the half but managed to win the game.
- A: Raptors trailed by forty poin...
- We were down 20 points at the half but managed to win the game.
- A: Raptors trailed by forty points but now are up by two points. What a comeback! B: It's a shame they ended up losing the game, though.
- Team A trailed the game by as many as 20 points at halftime, but ended up winning the game.
- So far Utah Jazz trail two games to nothing in the championship series.
- Our coach gave us a pep talk when we were down by 1 point, and we won the game.
- They're down by one point with only three seconds left in the game.
- Your son is falling behind in class. Has anything happened to him recently?
- The country is behind in terms of technology. or an underdeveloped country
[1] down by
[2] fall behind
[3] behind
trail 跟 down 都很常用,後面可加上 by 跟落後的分數.
trail 跟 down 都很常用,後面可加上 by 跟落後的分數.
trail by 20 points = 落後20分
trail two games to nothing = 落後兩場比賽
down by one point = 落後1分
有時播報員會省略 by 跟 points,例如:
Cavaliers is down 11. = 騎士隊落後11分
而 fall behind 用在成績或績效等等.
形容國家落後可以用 underdeveloped.
- 當我們落後一分時教練給了我們一個激勵的演說, 最後我們贏得比賽.
- 你的兒子成...
- 當我們落後一分時教練給了我們一個激勵的演說, 最後我們贏得比賽.
- 你的兒子成績落後不少,最近他有發生甚麼事情嗎?
- 一個落後的國家
eTalking 線上英語學習
遠離塵囂的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
far and quiet
graveyard shift
下一題 - 構思
我妻子認為我有外遇,真是太瞎了! (請填空)
My wife thinks I am having an affar. How ridiculous!
下一題 - 不食人間煙火