藝術作品 的英文怎麼說
- A: How long does copyright in an artistic work last?
B: In general, copyright in an artistic work expires at the end of the seventy years from the end of the calendar year in which the author dies. - At the museum, the guide briefly spoke about the history of the museum and that of its collection.
- A: I use a three-ring binder for my kid's artwork.
B: I throw away my kid's artwork every month.
[1] an artistic work[2] artworks[3] works of art[4] arts & crafts[5] art[6] collection
copyright in an artistic work = 藝術作品的版權
我的小孩的美術作品 = my kid's artworks = my kid's arts & crafts = my kid's works of art
artwork 為最藝術作品常用的字,為不可數名詞,如果你想說兩件藝術作品,可說 two pieces of art 或 two pieces of artwork。
但你可用 artworks 做複數用,如: Here are my kid's artworks.
collection 可用來指美術館裡的所有藝術品,用在此意時,為單數型態。
我的小孩的美術作品 = my kid's artworks = my kid's arts & crafts = my kid's works of art
artwork 為最藝術作品常用的字,為不可數名詞,如果你想說兩件藝術作品,可說 two pieces of art 或 two pieces of artwork。
但你可用 artworks 做複數用,如: Here are my kid's artworks.
collection 可用來指美術館裡的所有藝術品,用在此意時,為單數型態。
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
施展的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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