作品 的英文怎麼說
- A: What is the highest price ever paid for one of Picasso's works of art?
B: In March 2013, collector Steven Cohen reportedly paid $155 million USD for Picasso's La Reve in a private sale.
A: That is a huge sum of money.
B: I know. I don't know what Steven saw in the painting. - This magnificent building is one of the architect's best pieces of work.
- This golden swan is the best work of origami that Michael has created.
- ChToEn.com is one of the best websites that Michael has developed.
[1] work[2] collection[3] holding
work 貼切的指「作品」,美術作品就可說 work of art,摺紙作品就可說 work of origami,想用複數就說 works 或 pieces of work,雖然 works 文法不大對,但很多人這麼使用,大家都聽得懂。
the winter collection = 時尚設計師的冬天服飾的一系列的作品
the holdings of an art museum = 一個美術館的收藏的作品
a Picasso collection = 畢卡索的一系列的作品
ChToEn.com is the best website Michael has developed = 中英物語是 Michael 最棒的作品
the winter collection = 時尚設計師的冬天服飾的一系列的作品
the holdings of an art museum = 一個美術館的收藏的作品
a Picasso collection = 畢卡索的一系列的作品
ChToEn.com is the best website Michael has developed = 中英物語是 Michael 最棒的作品
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
隔空取物的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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原住民顧名思義,是原本居住於台灣的人民。 (請填空)
An aborigine, as th name suggests, refers to one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.
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