觸感 的英文怎麼說
- The feeling of touching this coaster is comfortable.
- The tactile feeling of this coaster is soft.
- This coaster feels hard.
- I like the tactile feeling of this keyboard.
- I don't like the feeling of touching this keyboard.
- This keyboard feels good when I type.
[1] the feeling of touching something[2] the tactile feeling of something[3] something feels something
這個杯墊的觸感很舒服 = The feeling of touching this coaster is comfortable. = The tactile feeling of this coaster is comfortable. = This coaster feels comfortable.
我喜歡這個鍵盤的觸感 = I like the tactile feeling of this keyboard. = I like the feeling of touching this keyboard. = This keyboard feels good.
我喜歡這個鍵盤的觸感 = I like the tactile feeling of this keyboard. = I like the feeling of touching this keyboard. = This keyboard feels good.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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