訪客換證 的英文怎么说
- A: Before entering our office, please sign in at the front desk to get a visitor pass. Thank you.
B: Got it. See you soon. - At the main building, I used my ID card to get a guest pass and then I was escorted to Google's office.
[1] sign in at the front desk to get a visitor pass[2] sign in at the front desk to get a guest pass
訪客換證白話翻譯即可,其中一種翻譯就是 sign in at the front desk to get a visitor/guest pass
如果只需在櫃台簽名,不需要訪客證,就可說 sign in 就好,例如:
Do we have to sign in at the reception desk when we visit your office? = 需要在櫃檯簽字才能探訪你的辦公室嗎?
visitor pass = guest pass = 訪客的證明
front desk = 大樓服務台,通常是訪客換證的地方
如果只需在櫃台簽名,不需要訪客證,就可說 sign in 就好,例如:
Do we have to sign in at the reception desk when we visit your office? = 需要在櫃檯簽字才能探訪你的辦公室嗎?
visitor pass = guest pass = 訪客的證明
front desk = 大樓服務台,通常是訪客換證的地方
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
觀光景點的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 鬥牛 f我要發問填空題
她看上了一枚鑽戒。 (請填空)
She has an ye on the diamond ring.
下一題 - 陡峭