[1] hand over your work/job to somebody
[2] transfer responsibilities/knowledge/etc. to somebody
[3] transfer your work to somebody
[4] hand over your work to somebody
[5] hand over your work to somebody
[6] hand over your job to somebody
(noun) job handover
handover (process)
transition (process)
離職前工作交接或職務交接 = hand over your work/job to somebody = transfer knowledge to somebody
please hand over your work to David = 請把你的工作交接給大衛
Make sure to transfer your current responsibilities, key knowledge and contacts to Amber. = 請把工作交接給Amber,包括責任、知識、關係人窗口
transition 常用作工作交接或職務交接的名詞,意指工作交接發生的轉變。
再來,transfer your work to somebody 跟 hand over your work to somebody 除了指離職前的工作交接,也可以指你把你的工作 (work) 做完後,移交給另外一個團隊繼續他們的工作,例如你是採購人員,當你找到廠商時會把資料給資材人員。或是你是一個作家,當你把你的書稿 (work) 給出版社時,you just need to sit back and relax。
而 transfer your work to 也可以指把你做的東西移到另一個地方,例如另一台電腦,如以下例句:
Finish the first part of the work on your computer first, and then transfer it to our server to handle the rest of the work.
暫時把工作交給別人 = hand over your work/job to somebody
而 transfer your job to somebody 雖然有工作交接的意思,但也能用在把你的工作換到別的地方,如例句:
Does it take a long time to transfer my job to another branch office? I need to move from Taipei to Kaohsiung.
do/carry out the job handover = 執行工作交接這個動作
handover (process) = transition (process) = 工作交接的名詞