遺憾 的英文怎么说
- Losing you as a friend is my biggest regret.
- A few years ago my girlfriend left me because I decided to work in a different country. Up to this day I still regret my decision.
- Not winning the championship back then is still a big disappointment for me.
- Everland is a place I think about all the time although it has disappointed me before.
- I am so disappointed in you because you can't stop smoking.
[1] disappointment
disappoint[2] regret
disappoint[2] regret
很多人以為 regret 是最貼切的字, 其實不然. 當我們說我們對之前的事情感到遺憾, 就是代表我們希望事情不是這麼發生, 也就是說我們感到失望, 所以失望才是最好的字. 當然啦, 有時候也有後悔的意思, 就看你的內心到底是想怎麼表達你的情緒.
This place has disappointed me before = 這個地方讓我有遺憾
少了你這個朋友是我最大的遺憾 = Losing you as a friend is my biggest regret.
I am so disappointed in you = 我對你感到失望
This place has disappointed me before = 這個地方讓我有遺憾
少了你這個朋友是我最大的遺憾 = Losing you as a friend is my biggest regret.
I am so disappointed in you = 我對你感到失望
- 幾年前在美國工作跟女友分開, 我一直深感遺憾.
- 當年沒拿到比賽冠軍, 至今仍深感遺憾.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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我妹是個恰北北,想對人兇就對人兇。 (請填空)
My sister is bad-tempere and would snap at anybody whenever she feels like it.
下一題 - 胡搞