醒目 的英文怎麼說
- A: It's obvious you want a raise.
B: Who wouldn't? - He's obviously jealous of you for your good looks and riches.
- If you want to sell your house, you should display its price prominently.
- Abby: I like your dress. It makes your hips prominent.
Beth: Thank you. I like your skirt too. - Bestsellers are displayed in a prominent position in the bookstore.
- In Taiwan, her blond hair is conspicuous.
- There has been a noticeable improvement in his Japanese.
- There's been a noticeable drop in temperature as it turns to winter.
[1] obvious[2] prominent[3] conspicuous[4] noticeable
人事物「明顯」、「顯眼」或「突出」通常可以用 obvious, 例如:
It's obvious you want a raise.
He's obviously jealous of you.
可是有些情況不能用這個字, 譬如說把某樣東西放在很明顯的地方, 這時候就可以用 prominent,例如:
Your dress makes your hips prominent. = 妳的洋裝讓妳的臀部更明顯、更突出
displayed in a prominent position = 放在一個顯眼的位置
再來,conspicuous = very noticeable = 十分顯眼的、醒目的、顯著的
另外,noticeable 常用在抽象的東西,例如:
a noticeable drop in temperature = 溫度有顯著的下降
It's obvious you want a raise.
He's obviously jealous of you.
可是有些情況不能用這個字, 譬如說把某樣東西放在很明顯的地方, 這時候就可以用 prominent,例如:
Your dress makes your hips prominent. = 妳的洋裝讓妳的臀部更明顯、更突出
displayed in a prominent position = 放在一個顯眼的位置
再來,conspicuous = very noticeable = 十分顯眼的、醒目的、顯著的
另外,noticeable 常用在抽象的東西,例如:
a noticeable drop in temperature = 溫度有顯著的下降
你如果想賣房子, 應該把房價放在很明顯的地方.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
落魄的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 賴著不走的人 f我要發問填空題
你的文章的主題完全被你的華麗的詞藻給模糊了。 (請填空)
The thesis of your essay is completely obscured by your flowery lnguage.
下一題 - 明太子