開玩笑開過頭 的英文怎麼說
A: What do you think of the joke I just told?
B: You are way out of line with this joke. You shouldn't imply that Cindy is fat. It makes her sad.
A: You are right. I am sorry. I'll go apologize to her right now.
B: You are way out of line with this joke. You shouldn't imply that Cindy is fat. It makes her sad.
A: You are right. I am sorry. I'll go apologize to her right now.
[1] out of line with the joke[2] the joke is inappropriate
你開玩笑開過頭了 = You are way out of line with this joke = Your joke is inappropriate
你開玩笑開過頭了 = You are way out of line with this joke = Your joke is inappropriate
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
不爭氣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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我對此案子付出的所有心血都付諸東流,因為老闆決定取消它。 (請填空)
All the work I've been putting into this project has been all fr nothing because my boss is shutting it down.
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