你好。如果我想說「藝術家和城市市政局會有以不同的方式的共同合作來裝點自己的城市,日本的城市管理者提出了一個異想天開的方案—裝飾沙井蓋」。英語是這樣說可以嗎?Artists and City municipal administration to work together in different ways to decorate and promote which can increase more tourist to their country , the city manager of Japan were proposed a whimsical plan, which was decorate the manhole cover.
..by Masuda Kinami
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Masuda Kinami 2015-03-01 14:19:23
Michael Wen 2015-03-06 15:53:05
The artist and the city government work together to decorate the city in their respective ways. A city manager in Japan proposed an unconventional plan - 裝飾沙井蓋
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