你跟另一半的感情穩定嗎?「感情不穩定」的道地英文怎麼說?來中英物語學習英文就對了!感情不穩定 = We are on the rocks.A: How is your relationship with your girlfriend? B: We are on the rocks. We disagree on things and fight a lot.http://www.ChToEn.com/感情不穩定的英文怎麼說你也可用 fragile, unstable 等形容詞, 但 on the rocks 才是道地的英文!有中英問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com 給你最道地的英文翻譯
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
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女孩子化了妝,穿上高跟鞋,顯得很有殺氣。 (請填空)
After putting on makeup and high heel shoes, the girl becomes confident and ssertive.
下一題 - 無窮的潛力