Q1: social media can be used to refer to the enabling tool and technology and to the content that is generated by them.為甚麼both後面連接不只兩個東西?另外想問這句中文怎麼翻比較好Q2:social media are often associated such concepts as user-generates content, … 想問為甚麼be associated 不加withQ3:publish information in real near time,想問in real near time怎麼翻比較好Q4: 他們指出人們的線上關係通常是未曾謀面、聯繫不牢固、社會和物理距離遙遠的,請問這句英文怎麼翻比較好?
..by 吳亭樺
Michael Wen 2018-12-28 18:56:06
Q1: 這個句子裡面沒有 both,請問你漏掉了嗎?Q2: be associated 後面需要加 withQ3: in near real time 才正確,意思是接近即時Q4: They point out that online friends often have not met each other, and their relationship is weak.
吳亭樺 2018-12-28 22:21:13
Michael Wen 抱歉應該是這樣~再麻煩幫我看看怎麼翻比較好謝謝~Social media can be used to refer to both the enabling tools and technology and to the content that is generated by them.
Michael Wen 2018-12-29 10:45:38
吳亭樺 Social media can be used to refer to both A and B. 而 the enabling tools and technology 就是 A,所以用 both 沒錯。
Michael Wen 2018-12-29 10:48:22
吳亭樺 這句話的意思是,「社群」可以用來表示社群工具 (例如 Facebook 這個平台) 跟社群內容 (例如你在 Facebook PO 的文)。
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