He brushed up his schoolwork before the exam. 這句話對嗎 brush up自從那次事件, 就一直有抗議活動發生上面那句翻譯:Since that incident, there have/ had been occurring protests.應該用 have been 還是 had been 為什麼
..by 賴韋翰
賴奕頤 2014-06-08 04:55:52
He brushed up his schoolwork before the exam. 這應該沒甚麼錯誤,但是蠻少看到別人用brush up多半是用prepare應該要用have been,從原文推測,到現在都還有抗議活動 適合用現在完成式而非過去完成式
Michael Wen 2014-06-09 15:28:59
brush up on 較常用在溫習一項已經退化的技能, 如 I need to brush up on my French before I go to France.
Michael Wen 2014-06-09 15:31:45
正確用法如下: Since the incident protests have been held against ..解釋就如賴奕頤所說的
Michael Wen 2014-06-09 15:32:05
賴奕頤 感謝你幫忙回答此問題!
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