upbringing, 根據英文解釋,同中文的“教養”有出入,正確解釋應該是小孩的培養過程。正如你摘錄英文說的,一個小孩長大後犯罪跟他的upbringing 有關。
..by Vantar Chung
Michael Wen 2015-06-10 13:47:42
謝謝你的評語,但 upbringing 的確也有教養的意思,如: Due to his upbringing, he shows arrogance and confidence as well as ambition for leadership.
Vantar Chung 2015-06-10 15:19:14
Michael Wen 這是個好例子,但我想知道該句子出處,在哪種context下出現。有時候中文裡一些詞無法和英文作一一對應直翻譯,這也許是個例子。我自己親歷了一個小孩跨中西文化教育過程,在西方人眼裡一個人的confidence, ambition for leadership 是在從小一步步建立self esteem後逐步形成的,所以我會把他們歸入培養方面。當然shows arrogance 就是某種setting下的教養顯示,也還要顧及context, 如果當時遇到壞人他不得不顯出一種arrogance來嚇退對方 就不算是教養問題。這就是為什麼北美TEFL, TESOL堅持不允許學生把英語翻譯成母語來學英文,以免造出不合情理的句子。
Charles Wang 2015-06-11 01:35:17
Vantar ChungLet’s take a closer look at the following definitions of upbringing:******************************************http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/upbringingupbringing (教養=教育+養育) nounthe care (養育) and training (教育) of young children or a particular type of such care (養育) and training (教育):His religious upbringing fitted him to be a missionary.******************************************http://www.thefreedictionary.com/upbringingupbringing (教養=教育+養育) n.The rearing (養育) and training (教育) received during childhood.upbringing (教養=教育+養育) noun(an example of) the process of bringing up a child.He had a stern upbringing.******************************************The process of bringing up a child (upbringing 教養=教育+養育) would normally consist of rearing (養育) and training (教育), right?
Vantar Chung 2015-06-11 02:38:19
Charles Wang I guess you and me are looking at the different parts of the definition. I appreciate your discussion. For me, from the link you quoted here, I found a clear definition of upbringing:"the education of a person during his formative years Also called bringing-up". upbinging是指早年教育和一個人將來言行分不開。"Their upbringing was very normal and their parents wanted them to have as ordinary a childhood as they could." 這指教育和培養同孩子健康(normal 理解為健康)成長有關。也是更著墨於教育(心理,生理等), the way parents bringing up a child."Do you see Jon as the product of his upbringing and the qualities that Ned Stark (Sean Bean) instilled in him?" 這裡含有培養,教育,雙重意思,實際上中文的“教育”一詞裡就有培養教養的內涵。我想不管你把它稱為教育還是教養,英文上都是著重在the way you bringing up a person during his formative year. 那麼,如果我想說這人在公共場合做出不禮貌行為時,我就不會說他缺乏 upbringing, 因為我無從知道他是如何被家人或者監護人bringing up 的,但我會說他不是一位 well-mannered person.在我理解,upbringing is more likely refering to the qualities educators bring to a person during his/her childhood. If a person grown up or being brought up in a caring environment, he/she would care about people more.This involved in many years education which also includes both of 培養,行為修養 and skills, literacy level, etc.It's more close to about how you bring up a child. 所以字面上也用 upbinging.Anyway, as I mentioned in the previous message, it's not a proper way to teach English by translating fully into one's native language, following the TESOL teaching theory.
Vantar Chung 2015-06-11 02:43:55
I mean, according to the TESOL teaching theory and experiences, it's not a proper way to teach English by translating fully into one's native lanuage. I would get punishment if I did it in my TEFL teaching class in Canada.
Charles Wang 2015-06-11 04:12:20
Vantar ChungI should let sleeping dogs lie, and now you seem to bark up the wrong tree.All kidding aside, I would like to give your elaboration/ interpretation the thumbs up simply because it also holds water.Thanks for your shedding/ throwing light on what upbringing might mean.Michael is going to tie up the loose ends of this thread.
洪易成 2015-06-11 14:47:14
Vantar Chung excuse me .now that u don't translate a new language into your native one,how could you understand some abstract ideas?,such as love ,friendship,relationships,logic or something like that.thanks a million!!
Michael Wen 2015-06-13 07:35:07
Vantar Chung, 語言是活的,很多字對不同的人有些微的差異,例如每個人對 "教養" 的解釋也有些許的不同,如果要辯論下去,就沒完沒了了。
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